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Award Joe Biden with Another Term?

The enablers are poised to return him to the White House: America can do better

Kerry Landon-Lane


“Family and Friends” — illustration by Kerry Landon-Lane

“NOTHING” differently was President Biden’s response when asked about the final half of his current term. Joe’s answer was telling, if not alarming. Improvements to policies, strategies and new ideas were not in the offering — or Joe’s mind. And never mind that the world constantly changes. Events occur, developments mount, crises erupt, and opportunities open and close. Agility is demanded of the President not only to cope but move the country forward.

Politicians are mum, and the press is in groupthink

Jim Clyburn, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi all say that Joe Biden should run for a second term — although Pelosi added that another could do the presidential job. Jonathon Capehart, Associate Editor of the Washington Post, is unwilling to discuss the possibility of another nominee. Incrementalist David Brooks, an opinion columnist for the New York Times, offers Biden as deserving of another term. “Let Lear howl at the moon; Joe wants to strut in the sun” was Maureen Dowd’s Shakesperean come-on. First Lady Jill Biden insinuates that Joe is running —although her words may be directed more…



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